Sign me up to the sweatpants trend

When fashion combines comfort I am all on board. My style is very beachy, comfy but glam. You know because I do my hair and stuff. This is one trend I happen to be loving heels and sweats, but please ladies I am not talking pj sweats. Think about it you have a long day ahead no I can only stand in these jeans moments and the minute you get home all you have to do is kick off your heels and you ready for comfy sessions. Two words. French. Ah oui!

Yay or nay to this trend?

~Image credit: The fancy pants report~

One ingredient Ice cream

We have all been there, working out. Trying to be super careful about what you eat but you have the craving for sugary sweetness. Well I have been seeing all the buzz on Pinterest about this one ingredient guilt free ice-cream. So obviously I had to try it.

8 Reasons being different rocks

Way to often I see people try to fit a mold. You see hair trends come in and we all leap out our seats to try it, even though we know from experience that mohawk look will never suit us. We are on a constant journey to fit in. So this is my statement today STOP TRYING TO FIT IN. Being different is absolutely awesome. You might be wondering why I chose 8 reasons instead of 10 or 5 well 8 is my lucky number. So here you have is y 10 8 reasons being different rocks...

Kitchen Fever

If you a lover of food, baking, cooking you are a women cut from the same cloth as me, I am an avid kitchen queen. Which means I spend quite a ton of time browsing sites and putting together a mental image of my dream kitchen you know where I would cook up a storm, pour some wine and just take tons and tons of pictures of my creations (for instagram of course haha). 

Change your rituals and you can change your life!

I was listening to a few Tony Robbins motivational talks while busy starting my day, tidying up, reading emails making my second cup of coffee, you know the usual I work from home mornings. When I finally sat down and started focusing on work around 9 am and one thing stuck in my mind. People are what they do often, the rituals they have and so forth. 

Now lets take a moment to think about it... what are your daily rituals? love rituals? life rituals? is there something you are doing that doesn't correspond with the life you desire?

Guilt free chocolate cupcakes

Its been a pretty minute since I have posted. With internet issues being the main culprit truth be told I was getting a bit bored with what I was posting. Yip I said it! So I thought nope pause a bit and post something real good. Which is where these guilt free cupcakes come in. It really feeds the desire to have something dessert like but without the next day calorie guilt trip. I had one person saying (while enjoying their first bite) this is sooooo rich. I waited a few minutes before saying this is actually protein and flax seed cupcakes. The look on their faces was priceless!

Motivational Monday

With an amazing weekend behind me I feel ready for the week ahead. Something we all tend to forget is to appreciate and focus on the good moments. Humans by nature focus more on the bad which is why today affirmations is...

Today I chose to focus on the positive, today I chose to let go of the bad things that may happen. I am the owner of my own focus and I chose to focus on what is good.

Hope you have a gorgeous week ahead.

~Image credit: World tour stories~


I swear every time I write down my life goals they are always the same. Be in a healthy happy relationship,start a family, be successful and fulfilled in whatever career path I chose, focus on health, travel and so forth. So here is the main thing I am seeing the main goals in life never quite changes, its the little things that get added that change. Have you ever noticed that? What is some goals that have never quite changed over time for you?


Motivational Monday

Hey lovelies, so sorry for the... (insert cricket noises) silence this past week. It was a crazy busy one. To be very honest I loved being busy, have you ever noticed how powerful you feel if you are doing things to benefit your future? There's this burst of confidence that comes over you and boy oh boy I LOVE IT. 

How was your weekend? Care to share? This weeks motivation is...
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