Magical Monday Moments

As you all know this weekend I was very bad ... and I'm actually feeling much much better today, which just goes to show there is some magic in Mondays :) . I've also decided with me feeling all good ,I want to curb the drinking and focus more on health and fitness, the drinking has really shown its mark on my midriff. But its not all doom and gloom chatter this morning. Instead I want to share with you some of my magical Monday moments that i'm so grateful for

  1. Feeling better after being in agony.

  2. Preparing to go on a hike today, yay!!!

  3. For my free time.

  4. The amazing food my mom made yesterday, which I can indulge in this Monday

  5. New songs friends have sent me.

  6. The rush of determination , inspiration and motivation i'm feeling

  7. The gorgeous summer day today

  8. Waking up to some of the sweetest messages

  9. Waking up to Mila 's beautiful face

  10. That all my loved one's have made it safely through the weekend

I hope as you reading this you going through all the things you are grateful for ... and don't dwell on the negatives keep that mind clear fresh and positive... life is as good as you make it.

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