What makes you happy?

When I first started my blog I wrote a weekly post where I shared things I am grateful for, things that I loved. I really want to get back to starting my week by acknowledging the things I really sincerely appreciate in my life or just general things I love. I feel it makes such a huge difference in ones life.

  1. Fresh clean white linen, there is something about getting into clean white sheets after a long day.
  2. All things Paris I will be sharing my favorite Parisian movies, music and so forth soon. I am obsessed. 
  3. Sweet words from Bart, they truly make everything so much better.
  4. Flowers flowers flowers... yes I am that weird person who walks my dog and picks flowers along the way... case and point this post.
  5. The ocean, there is something euphoric about just sitting and looking at that varse space and knowing there is so many things much greater than any of your problems. There's something greater out there.
  6. Maboneng in Johannesburg... sitting in the hustle and bustle of the city seeing so much variety. If you ever visit Jozi be sure to head there. Head here to read more.
  7. Reading all your lovely comments whether on instagram or here... thank you so much.
  8. Finding a healthy recipe that tastes so good it should be bad.
  9. My family, they the most witty, funny, kind and caring people in this world... okay I may be biased.
  10. Listening to motivation videos by Tony Robbins... that man has a gift.

Your turn what are 10 things you are grateful, enthusiastic and happy about... leave a few in the comments below.
Sending you love & light for this week ahead.

~Image credit: World tour stories~


  1. Sweet ((: awesome blog

    Follow for follow? x


  2. All of them are perfect little things!

  3. I completely agree with you about the clean linen - your list is lovely but Jozi is something I don't think I'll ever be able to understand. Such a country-girl hahahaha living in the garden route I don't even know what hustle and bustle is!! :)


  4. Love to read your blog Meghan... truly inspiring thoughts!
    kisses doll

  5. This week I'm really grateful for the support of my family, I've made choices which affects them and they have continued to support me through it all :)
    Love this post Meg x

  6. I love healthy recipes that are actually yummy, too! I'll have to try your recommendation! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. I love your post, being grateful is so important and what better way to start the week than making a list like yours. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  8. Life really is all about the little things. As another Paris-obsessed girl, I can't wait to see your favourites about the city!

  9. so lovely :) thank you for the reminder!

  10. I love getting into new bed sheets! Awh... it feels amazing.
    I am a crazy lover for flowers!
    Sensitive Epidermis | Rainbow


Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment reading them makes me so happy. So please do share your thoughts !



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