Motivational Monday

Good morning lovelies. It really is good to know 2014 has arrived. I hope that you have been having an amazing start to the year. Last week I decided I just needed a cool off session. No blogging, just time to get my mental ducks in a row. Know what I mean? Anywhoo I realized I want to start this blogging year on a Monday. With a motivational Monday post. 

Instead of only having yearly goals, tick off a daily goal. Start living life in a way that by the end of each day you can say to yourself without hesitation "I did something that made me happy and fulfilled today!"

It can be anything from taking 10 minutes to finally meditate or reading that article you've been dying to get a moment to read. Happiness doesn't come in a defined box. The beauty about being individuals is we all define fulfillment in our own unique way. There is no right or wrong definition of happiness.

Question to my fellow bloggers out there.. did you take a blog break? and to the rest of my lovely readers how has the beginning of 2014 treated you?


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR MEG! I love that idea... definitely easier to accomplish.
    I hope 2014 treats you wonderfully. Here's to another fab year xxx
    Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde

    1. Happy happy New Year Bailey... hope 2014 is the best year for you may goals be met may your life be filled with an abundance of happiness and amazing health. thank you for the sweet comment.


  2. Ahhhhhh Durban!!!!! I love the idea of daily goals, and always tell my A New Weigh clients to try that instead of huge big seemingly unattainable goals! I didn't really take a break on blogging, just slowed down a bit to enjoy the time with my family. Wishing you a beautiful 2014!!

    1. I noticed many bloggers were pushing through the festive.. its inspiring. Hope you have a really amazing 2014 babe.

  3. I definitely took a break and I loved it. My 2014 started off very relaxed. So I am ready to take on this year. Thanks for the Monday motivation. Xx

    1. I fully agree the break was really needed, glad to hear you enjoyed your break too.

  4. I love your idea of daily goals because I love lists :) I didn't take a blogging break but unlike other bloggers who plan to blog more, I plan to be more structured with not forcing myself to blog unless I have something to say to prevent burnout :) Good to have you back Meg!

    1. Preventing burnouts is really key. Glad to hear you have a plan to help resolve that. Its good to be back honey, hope you have an amazing 2014 xo

  5. Didn't take a complete break, but slowed down somewhat to make proper use of the time with my kids :-)

  6. Had an amazing break and happy to be back with the bloggers.
    Great idea to break those goals down. And I don't think goals are only for new years or new months. They are for anytime you feel you need to get focused.

  7. Love this idea. Start small and end up accomplishing more! :)



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