The perfect pamper session

Women from every part of the globe with our own individual loves and loathes can agree a good pamper session whether at home or at a spa is swoon worthy. Nothing makes you feel more self love than taking time to care for yourself. For me that entitles the following...

Turning up the tunes, nothing gets me feeling relaxed quite like music. For a pamper session I turn to amazing track by artist like Cesaria Evora, Frank Sinatra and basically any song from season 1 and 2 of VD, obviously there is other's in the mix but I'm sure you get my point. Should I share a pamper session music playlist? let me know.

Bring on the wine, nothing says its finally me time than a glass of wine my body instantly goes into relax mode and that is pure bliss.

Masks are always a must, it isn't a pamper session without it. I either make a DIY concoction or turn to something new. I'm talking foot, hair and face masks.

Candlelit bath... hello heaven! Next time you bath throw in some detoxing epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite oil. I'm still a huge fan of baby oil, I just adore the innocent smell.

Slip into something soft and comfy and why not indulge in your favorite chick flicks. 

What is an essential for your pamper session, I'd love to find out.

~image credit: Cupcakes and cashmere~


  1. Oohhh so relaxing! Specially on cold days :)


  2. I was stuck on the motorway when I was reading this. All I could see was cars and nothing else. But it helped me relax and not to stress out because the traffic was a nightmare. Nice one girl

  3. Lighting candles - an absolute must for pampering. I love the little candle in the tea cup - so pretty!

  4. I live for looooooong luxurious baths. I love to soak in magical bubble-baths and I also have a great selection of body butters. Aaand yes bring on the bubbly! ;)

  5. I love watching my favourite chick flicks! It really helps centre me...
    Nice post x

  6. Every single one on your list is my idea!

    Now I feel like a pamper session.... {Dear Fairy Godmother...} :-D

    Cocktails & Memories


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