Mid week reading

Oh hello August, for me August has its perks, for instance its my sisters birthday month meaning celebrations and a teeny weeny chance we might get a little snow. With that said I also dread August because it happens to be the coldest month here in South Africa and me no likey the cold. Thankfully it has been pretty pleasant. Anyway before I keep rambling on and on about the weather,I am sorry and well aware my recent posts have mostly been sharing links to posts I have enjoyed. But I really have been busy and want to get back in the blogging groove so I hope you don't mind it to much. I do hope you having a wonderful week, if not stay positive and remember that if things are good do everything you can to enjoy and value it because things change so quickly and if they not going well, keep strong because every breakdown is followed with a breakthrough. I'm sending you all positive vibes!!

  1. I love posts where I am learning a ton. I am a sucker for beauty tips and learning. The makeup isle is my favorite place ever, who's with me? well if that's a yes be sure to read 101 beauty tips every girl should know. (beautyhigh.com)
  2. Cheesecake cream puffs anyone? and it is so simple. (simplygloria.com )
  3. The lovely and witty Jade wrote an awesome post about who she would invite for dinner and was I very happy and feel very honored that I would be invited. Be sure to check out the other bloggers who were "invited" here. I found some amazing new bloggers to check out, thanks honey! (bohemianmuses.blogspot.com)
  4. I am on a serious mission to travel this post inspired me to write down a few places in Europe I intend on seeing soon and will totally help me with the dreaded what to pack questions. (theeverygirl.com)

Let me know if you enjoy this midweek reading posts and what kind of links you would love more of?


  1. That's so strange that August in South Africa is the coldest time of year! It's usually the hottest here in England, great post by the way <3
    - Grace and Charlotte


    1. How I am longing for warm weather and less layers... hope you thoroughly enjoying the heat.

  2. August has been so cold in Cape Town but I just keep telling myself to suck it up in case we get snow then it would awesome and cold! lol

    1. I think we all looking on the brighter side and like ok its cold but atleast it might snow hahah. Keep warm honey!

  3. Lovely! I adore the reading advice
    I have a new look on my blog; come visit!
    Kisses from Miami,

    1. Glad to hear you enjoying it. I loved the new post. Looking awesome as always.

  4. I absolutely enjoy very much! Now I am going to get the recipe.


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