My tip for getting back your lust for life!

Happy May lovelies!! oh how I love the month of May... (my Birthday month yay!). So since its my birthday week and I have been going through some "things", I just thought I would start the week with a much needed motivational post.

Lets be realistic not all of us can go on a Eat Pray Love journey when we feel like our worlds becoming everything we don't want or even falling apart, but there is something I do that I feel might just do the trick for you. Recently my world just felt a bit shaken up. While dealing with all my emotions I decided I would keep writing notes. Notes on what I missed, what I craved and what I actually wanted. 

After any hard time there comes that one day, the epiphany day as I like to call it. This is the moment you want to read all the notes you took on those dark days and figure out a plan of action. How to get everything you desire in life or think of ways to insert all the "things" you felt was missing in your life so you can finally get on the path of true happiness. 

For me these moments of clarity is what is needed to get me back to a good starting point. The plans I have also keep me motivated to look forward to the future. 

I hope this tip will help someone out there!
What is your tip or go to routine when you feeling unhinged?

~Image credit: World tour stories~


  1. This is a great tip and helpful hope you get to see the rainbow in things no matter how hard. My tip I read a passage of the bible no matter if I have a great or bad moments. Great post.

    1. Thank you so much, yes I have faith everything will workout perfectly.

  2. Hey Meghan, some good news on your birthday week: you won my blog giveaway! Do get in touch with your postal address.

    1. Yay that is so exciting, thank you Steph!

  3. They say that 40 days before your birthday and after your birthday, you reevaluate your life - what is serving you and what isn't - who is and isn't and so on. Most people's changes (good and bad) happen around this time.
    I find when I'm in a rut, I write everything down that brings me joy - everything from a cup of tea to the bigger things. I also write a list of everything I'm grateful for. It's amazing how this can shift energies and attract better things. Sending hugs x

    1. That is so very true, I have done so much thinking lately and its been both really hard but I guess that is a sign it is a good thing. Love that you focus on gratitude.

  4. Whenever my birthday approaches I get slightly apprehensive and it makes me reevaluate my life. It's not always pretty and I usually have to take a time out from the people around me to get through it. Proper alone time... good luck hun and enjoy your birthday week :) x

    1. Yeah sometimes those alone times really do help. Thank you so much for the well wishes.

  5. love reading positive blogs like yours :) keeps me so inspired and yayy for birthday month, it's mine too :)

    1. Yay for it being your birthday month too.

  6. Meghan...I've been having many of these days lately. More like years lol. It's been a tough couple of years...and I attribute it to my quarter life crisis. These are such great tips to keep in mind. Writing is so cathartic. And whether it's keeping a journal or writing down your goals...I think all of these things keep you centered and help you focus on what you want out of life and what your purpose is. Girl it's your birthday's your birthday week...and I want you to know that you are special! Keep inspiring people with your written word:)! Happy Birthday Hun!

    1. I know things are going to get way better for both of us girl!! Thank you so much for the very kind words.

  7. I know the feeling all too well. I think it's necessary although in the moment you might feel really low, negative + exhausted. I know that you will make the right choice and the everything will unfold in the perfect time-frame. Kinda exiting hey. Life's an adventure! :)

    1. It really is an exciting time, means something new and better is coming.

  8. Writing IS so, so, so cathartic! I believe that is why I started blogging during college because I needed and outlet and writing was it.

  9. lovely post. thank you for the inspiration!

  10. I used to write little notes about what made me happy each day, it was really motivational, mostly during those days when I was feeling down. I hope you have a gorgeous birthday week and don't forget how special you are!

    1. Seeing all these beautiful comments makes me feel super special, thank you so much.

  11. Thanks for the great tip, we all have those moments and it's good to write down things we want to do, ideas, dreams. I am sure we all have those days were we feel we can conquer the world that's when we take those notes out and start making them happen. I have been through a lot of up's and down's many of us have we I love my blogging community because the are so supportive and understanding, you guys pull me through all the time, so I am here too :-)


    1. You right the blogging community is amazing.

  12. Such a great tip- I want to start making little notes like this! :)


  13. Hope things will turn around for you soon. In the meantime the motivation tips are always helpful :)

  14. This is such an inspiring posts, thanks for sharing your tips. I'm sorry that your world has been a little rocky lately! I hope you are doing okay =)

    Corinne x

    1. I am glad it can inspire someone/ anyone, I am fine I am really just taking it one day at a time.

  15. I should start writing too! great inspiration!
    big kiss!


  16. ohh and Happy birthday! :)


  17. Great idea! Thanks for spreading the positivity :)

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  18. I love the month of may too - it's like the month of hope & love :)


  19. When I'm having a bad day or rough patch I tend to read or watch inspiring stories that put everything back into perspective! I've made over my life these past two years to live with a positive, non-judgmental outlook, and it's reduced my past struggles with anxiety and depression greatly!


    1. I am declaring from today to live life your way, sounds like a really great way of living. Since recently my anxiety if off the walls. Thanks Jacy.

  20. Lovely motivational post :) x

  21. I love this! I find that journaling really helps me-that way I can look back on the dark days and the good days and figure out what went wrong and where I went right.


    Erin @

  22. Absolutely loved this! I know when I'm feeling a bit down I can just head to your blog and I'll find a lot of motivational posts - I love it! Happy Birthday month ;) xxx

  23. I have a gratitude diary and a dream journal. the gratitude diary I try to do every day. the dream journal I only use when something I really want to have in my life pops into my mind. and every time I'm down or feel less than motivated/inspired, I read through the things I want in my life. always helps!

  24. Beautiful! wishing you a great start of the week…
    Kisses from Miami,

  25. This is really good advice!

    Love Jaimie xo

  26. The older I get, the more I always think about where my life is and where it's going around my birthday. I can happily say though that I'm very content with where things are in my life!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee


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