I love juicing!

Juicing is my new vice, I love how I can get my vege fix without actually having to pig out on vegetables. I am not a vegetable fan just in case you haven't picked up on that. Recently I made these two juices one to help cure a nasty hangover and one as a general juice I have been loving. Advice to newbie juicers everything tastes better when its chilled.
Ginger & Carrot aka Post Hangover:

3 carrots
1/4 cup ginger
2 apples
1/2 cucumbers
1/4 cup celery
1/4 cup cold water

Beetroot & Kale:

1 raw beetroot
1 cup kale
2 apples
1/4 cup celery
drizzle of honey
few sprigs of mint

If you a juicing lover like me share your favorite juicing recipes in the comments below


  1. As good as these look I have never been able to enjoy veg juices! :(

    1. The trick is add your favorite fruits. It makes all the difference. Everything tastes better when its sweet ;)

  2. Beetroot and kale sounds like the healthiest juice ever!

    1. It is and it really is delicious together.

  3. Recently so loving these recipes! Looking forward to trying them out... My favorite combination so far have been 1 Granny Smith apple, 1 red apple (lol forgot the name) and half a lemon...so refreshing

  4. I would love to try these, once had a carrot juice from Kauai that I couldn't finish. About 8 years ago, eek! But I want to live healthy so I will try this one with ginger, I love ginger... Just need to find a juicer. xo

    1. The hangover juice is very strong. So maybe try adding some fruit to the mix to make it sweeter.

  5. It is never good idea to read about juices when you're thirsty :( These look great!
    I nominated your lovely blog for a Sunshine Award ; :)
    Olive Needs Popeye

    1. Oh yay thank you so much for the nomination xo

  6. delicious! wishing you a great start of the week…
    Kisses from Miami,

  7. I am currently reading "The Juice Master" and really getting into juicing ;) Will definitely try your recipes out soon!

  8. I absolutely love juicing. My go-to juice (especially in winter when healthy salads aren't always eaten) is a blend of spinach, celery, parsley, pears, apples, mint and limes. It is crazy refreshing!

    xoxo One Stiletto At a Time fashion and beauty blog


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