Goodbye stress and anxiety!

The law of attraction states it perfectly, what you think about and what you surround yourself with will always manifest. Hangout with negative people and you will be a debby downer, know what I mean?. Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from the negative vibes and your mind from the negative thoughts. That can become a bit of an issue when you may not have any time, right? However there is ways to get all the assistance you need without having to go to a therapist or yoga class. I am talking PHONE APPS people. Therapy on the go hahaha .

I discovered this amazing app. Ladies aaaah-maaaaze-zing! (spelling error intended). You see when I am feeling stressed, my body is the first thing to go into crazy mode. My neck pulls stiff, I get panic attacks, but the main issue is I CANNOT SLEEP. Hello dear old enemy insomnia. So finding me sleeping during the oddest times happens frequently and then I am still super tired. I decided to put my tech skills to good use since there is an app for absolutely everything these days and tada found an app called Life positive. So you know as a dedicated blogger and friend I had to put it to the test. Today. It felt as naughty as day drinking on a Monday or eating that first piece of aero mint chocolate that you know will only lead to you eating the entire chocolate. But I mean what would Drake say... YOLO?!

I decided I would try out their meditation section of the app. Hypnotherapy for happiness to be exact. It clearly warns you, you may hit a deep relaxation level and sometimes sleep. Exactly what I needed. Something to help me sleep. Something to help me relax. 10 minutes into it and zzzzzzz heaven! Now I couldn't fully sleep, it was more of a quick power nap, I got things to do and all that jazz. But ladies at 8:30pm tonight I am hitting the play button and I am going to sleep. Like a baby (that sleeps not the newborn kind that keeps you up all night).

Your turn, is there an App you just cannot live without, something out of the ordinary. Not the usual facebook, instagram, twitter, etc. let me know in the comments.


  1. I has no specific app but I find Schedule Planner app in android is very useful in managing my works.

    1. Oooh will have to check it out, thanks for sharing Jack :)

  2. Love this post! I've been looking for a similar app for a very long time, just something to help me along the way. I also tend to get panic attacks and anxiety when I'm all stressed out. It's the way the body basically speaks to us.

    1. Panic attacks are really just so crazy. Take a look at this app it is very calming.

  3. What a cool app! I'm happy to hear it's been so helpful to you- maybe I should give it a go! :)


    1. Trust me Ash give it a go, it really does the trick.

  4. lovely! I adore the app!
    I have a new look on my blog; come visit!
    Kisses from Miami,

    1. Totally heading over to your blog for my fashion fix xo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So many cool apps around! funny, i just shared about apps too lol

    1. Yay will be checking it out in a minute. Apps really do make life easier.

  7. lol I just realised I commented on your Instagram post without reading and said my favourite app was Instagram, my favourite app is called Period Diary, it helps me keep track because my memory with those types of things is terrible x

    1. Hahaha I didn't specify it on instagram so you totally forgiven hehe. I will take at a look at your fave app. Thanks for sharing Nats xo

  8. I get insomnia too when I'm stressed out and it sucks! Glad you found an app to help, or well anything at all to help :)

    1. Martina really this app is sooooooo good. Used it last night again and it really just gotn me in a calm place and I slept so well.

  9. Haven't heard of this app before thanks for sharing!

  10. This couldn't have come at a better time! I suffer from really bad anxiety too and my stomach is definitely my weak spot. I can't wait to try this app! Thanks for sharing Meghan:)!

  11. They have so many good things to just soothe you, because mainly anxiety comes from a fearful place whether you struggling to catch your breathe or just feeling stressed. They have yoga, meditation, music, sounds, food recipes. I can't tell you enough how handy this app has been.


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